A collection of Daudet's short stories can be found at this web site.
A correspondent's account of the Franco-Prussian war can be found at the Modern History SourceBook and other information about the war is available in online encyclopedias.
The image at left is from the EOS development site.
The photo below shows Daudet at Champrosay, on the banks of the Seine. It is borrowed from this web site.
Selected Works
Les Amoureuses, 1858 Women in Love
La dernière idole, 1862
Chapatin le tueur de lions ? Chapatin the Lion Killer
Le Petit Chose, 1868 ? The little good-for-nothing
Lettres de mon moulin, 1869 - Letters from My Windmill
Les aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon, 1872 ? The New Don Quixote or The Wonderful Adventures of Tartarin de Tarascon
Les contes du lundi, 1873 ? Monday Tales
Fromont Jeune et Risler Aîné, 1874 ? Fromont the Younger and Risler the Elder / Fromont and Risler
Jack, 1876
Le Nabab, 1877
Les Rois en exil, 1879 ? Kings in Exile
Numa Roumestan, 1881
L'Évangéliste, 1883
Sapho, 1884 ? Sappho
Tartarin sur les Alpes, 1886 ? Tartarin on the Alps
Trente Ans De Paris, 1888 ? Thirty Years of Paris and of My Literary Life
L'Immortel, 1888
Souvenirs d'un Homme de Lettres, 1889
Port Tarascon, 1890
La Petite Paroisse, 1895
Soutien de Famille, 1898
Notes sur ma Vie, 1899
Selected Criticism:
Grant, Richard B. "Alphonse Daudet's Le Trésor d'Arlatan and the Quest for Self-Understanding." The French Review. 53:5 (Apr. 1981) 651-661.
Hare, Geoffrey E. Alphonse Daudet: a critical bibliography. London: Grant & Cutler, 1978. (This work, which contains research bibliographies and checklists, should serve as a good starting point for anyone doing Daudet research. It is important, however, to be aware of more recent criticism as well.)
---"The Unity of Lettres de mon moulin." Nineteenth-Century French Studies. 10 (3-4) (Spring-Summer 1982): 317-325.
Hamilton, James F. "The Recovery of Psychic Center in Daudet's Les Lettres de mon moulin." Nineteenth-Century French Studies. 24 (1-2) (Winter 1995-Fall 1996):133-43.
Roche, Alphonse V. Alphonse Daudet. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1976.
Sachs, Murray. The Career of Alphonse Daudet: a critical study. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965.
Vissiere, Jean-Louis. "Notes towards a Tragic Reading of Daudet's Lettres de mon moulin." Kaleidoscope. Ed. Mary Donaldson Evans and Graham Falconer. Toronto: Centre d'Etudes Romantiques Joseph Sable, 1996.