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For more information about Multatuli, you may wish to consult the Multatuli Web.

Further Reading:

Bergh, A. van den. "Multatuli and Romantic Indecision." Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies/Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Néerlandaises 13 (2) (1992):17-22.

Bergh, Hans van den. "Multatuli as a Writer of Letters." Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies/Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Néerlandaises 14 (3) (1986) :36-47a.

Feenberg, Anne-Marie. "Max Havelaar: An Anti-Imperialist Novel." MLN Vol. 112, Comparative Literature Issue (Dec. 1997): 817-835.

King, Peter. Multatuli. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1972.

-- "Multatuli: Some Reflections on Perk, Kloos and Boon." European Context: Studies in the History and Literature of the Netherlands Presented to Theodoor Weevers. Ed. P.K. King et. al. Cambridge: Modern. Humanities Research Association, 1971.