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The image at left is from a painting by Alphonse Marie de Neuville, who depicted war scenes, among them scenes from the Franco-Prussian War. This painting is entitled "The Post of Danger."

Selected Works:

Le Bâteau Ivre, 1871 - The Drunken Boat

Une Saison en Enfer, 1873 - A Season in Hell

Illuminations, 1886 (ed. by Paul Verlaine)

Le Reliquaire, 1891

Poèmes, 1891

Poésies Complètes, 1895 (publ.by Verlaine)

Lettres, 1899

Recent Anthologies:

Collected Poems. Tr. with notes by Martin Sorrel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Oeuvres Completes. Ed. Steve Murphy. Paris: Champion, 1999.

The Letters of Arthur Rimbaud. Tr. & Ed. Wyatt Mason. New York: Modern Library, 2003.

Rimbaud Complete. Tr. Wyatt Mason. New York: Modern Library, 2002.

Criticism and Biography:

Ahearn, Edward J. Rimbaud, visions and habitations. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.

Frohock, W. M. Rimbaud's poetic practice: image and theme in the major poems. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963.

Hackett, Cecil Arthur. Rimbaud: a critical introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Houston, John Porter. Patterns of thought in Rimbaud and Mallarmé. Lexington, KY: French Forum, 1986.

Macklin, Gerald. A Study of theatrical vision in Arthur Rimbaud's Illuminations. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1993.

Miller, Henry. The time of the assassins: a study of Rimbaud. New York: J. Laughlin, 1962.

Nicholl, Charles. Somebody else: Arthur Rimbaud in Africa 1880-9. London: J. Cape, 1997.

Robb, Graham. Rimbaud. London: Picador, 2000.

Ross, Kristin. The emergence of social space: Rimbaud and the Paris Commune. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988.

Steinmetz, Jean-Luc. Rimbaud: presence of an enigma. Tr. Jon Graham. New York: Welcome Rain Publishers, 2001.

Thum, Reinhard H. The city: Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verhaeren. New York: P. Lang, 1994.

Wing, Nathaniel. The limits of narrative: essays on Baudelaire, Flaubert, Rimbaud, and Mallarmé. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

-- Present appearances: aspects of poetic structure in Rimbaud's Illuminations. University, MS: Romance Monographs Inc., 1974.