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A short biographical sketch and a bibliography in English are available at the Hungarian Electronic Library at http://www.mek.iif.hu, along with many of Radnóti's poems (in Hungarian).

This poem has been taken from the Hungarian Electronic Library at http://www.mek.iif.hu.

The image at left is of a status of Radnóti Miklós by Imre Varga found at this website.

Busts of Radnóti Miklós by Borbás Tibor may be seen at this website.

Criticism and Biography

George, Emery. The poetry of Radnóti Miklós: a comparative study. New York: Karz-Cohl, 1986.

Gomori, George and Clive Wilmer, Eds. The Life and poetry of Radnóti Miklós: essays. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1999.

Ozsvath, Zsuzsanna. In the footsteps of Orpheus: the life and times of Radnóti Miklós. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000.

Petty, Ryan. Radnóti Miklós. Austin: Cold Mountain Press, 1974.