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Montaigne's work has been the subject of a great deal of scholarly research. An excellent resource for students of the Essays is Montaigne Studies, a scholarly journal published by the University of Chicago. Similarly, the Université de Lyon sponsors the web site of the Société internationale des Amis de Montaigne, a group which has published a "Bulletin" since 1913, and on whose site there are links to internet resources on Montaigne. One internal link, in particular, offers a view and transcription by Alain Legros of the Latin and Greek inscriptions which Montaigne had painted on the beams in his study so that they would be constantly before his eyes.

Montaigne's work was widely read and influential, shaping the thought of Emerson (see his "Montaigne; or, the skeptic"), and appearing in Shakespeare.

The image at left is the engraved portrait of Montaigne which appears on the frontispiece to the 1641 edition of the Essais. The image may be seen on, and appears on LiTgloss thanks to, this web site of the University of Virginia library.

Here is a photo of Montaigne's study, found at this web site.

Montaigne's study

Here are photos taken by Sharon L. Shelly, authorized for educational use and visible on her College of Wooster web site, showing Montaigne's château:

Montaigne's chateau, the old tower

Montaigne's chateau

Montaigne's chateau

Montaigne's chateau, reconstructed

Montaigne's chateau

Montaigne's chateau

Montaigne's chateau