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At left is part of the painting called "Le Havre" by Claude Monet.

Below is a picture of "bruyère," mentioned in the poem.


Selected Works:

Odes, 1822
Han d'Islande, 1823 ? Hans of Iceland / The Demon of the North
Nouvelles Odes, 1824
Odes et Ballades, 1826
Bug-Jargal, 1826 ? The Slave-King
Cromwell, 1827
Les Orientales, 1829
Marion de Lorme, 1829
Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné, 1829 ? Last Day of a Condemned Man
Hernani, 1830
Les Feuilles d'automne, 1831 ? Autumn Leaves
Notre-Dame de Paris, 1831 ? The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Le Roi s'amuse, 1832
Lucrèce Borgia, 1833 ? Lucrezia Borgi
Claude Gueux, 1834
Les Chants du Crépuscule, 1835 - Twilight Songs
Les Voix Intérieures, 1837 ? Inner Voices
Le Rhin, Lettres a un Ami, 1841 - Excursions Along the Banks of Rhine
Les Châtiments, 1853 ? The Punishments
Les Contemplations, 1856
La Légende des Siècles I-II, 1859, 1877 ? The Legend of Centuries
Les Misérables
William Shakespeare, 1864
Les Chansons des Rues et des Bois, 1865
Les Travailleurs de la Mer, 1866 ? The Toilers of the Sea
La Voix de Guernesey, 1867
L'Homme qui rit, 1869 ? The Man Who Laughs
L'Année terrible, 1872- The Terrible Year
Quatre-Vingttreize, 1874 - Ninety-Three
L'Art d'être grandpére, 1877
Histoire d'un Crime, 1877-78
Le Pape, 1878
La Pitié suprême, 1879
Religions et Religion, 1880
Les Quatre vents de l'esprit, 1881
Torquemada, 1882
Le Théâtre en Liberté, 1886
La Fin De Satan, 1886
Alpes et Pyrénées, 1890
Dieu, 1891
France et Belgique, 1892
Toute la Lyre, 1888-93

Web Resources:

Links to free e-texts through the Project Gutenberg website.
Additional poems by Victor Hugo (in English).
This page contains a brief biography as well as a short analysis of Hugo's poetic style and legacy.

Text Resources:

Brombert, Victor H. Victor Hugo and the Visionary Novel. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984.
Frey, John Andrew. A Victor Hugo Encyclopedia. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1999.
Grossman, Kathryn R. M. The Early Novels of Victor Hugo: towards a poetics of harmony. Geneve: Librairie Droz S.A., 1986.
Halsall, Albert W. Victor Hugo and the Romantic Drama. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
Nash, Suzanne. Les contemplations of Victor Hugo: an allegory of the creative process. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976.
Peyre, Henri. Victor Hugo: Philosophy and Poetry. Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1980.
Porter, Laurence M. Victor Hugo. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1999.
Robb, Graham. Victor Hugo: a biography. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1997.
Rodari, Florian et. al. Shadows of a Hand: the drawings of Victor Hugo. New York: Drawing Center, 1998.